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Looking for a gift for the foodie in your life? Want to up your game in the kitchen? Truffles are the gems in every chef's kitchen.
The history of La Madia is interesting; “La Madia” was an essential piece of furniture in old Umbrian farmhouses. It was the pantry where folks would store their food: from bread to pasta, from oil preserves to grain and pulses.
Inspired by this and with the same care as their ancestors, La Madia Regale Truffles preserves, stores, and supplies a range of gourmet products that are able to make any gastronomic situation a unique and “Regale” (Royal) moment for the human palate.
Looking for help or inspiration on how to use truffle oil? Send us an email at askachef@wellseasoned.ca For anniversary gifts or events where you really want to go above and beyond, we also can make you a Truffle themed gift basket.